Action Figure Diary—Episode Gallery

(#52) Lisa: Can I play?

(1) LISA: It's great to see you playing nicely with the boys in those poker games, Jane. JANE: I'm not in it for the company, Lisa. I'm in it for the change jar. (2) LISA: Now that you're all playing so much, I feel a bit lonely. Can I join the game? (3) JANE: If you think you can run with the big dogs, give it your best shot. (4) LISA: Don't worry about me, Jane. I'll do just fine.
| Posted by TSB | Week of 07/10/05 | Permalink |


TSB wrote:
Lisa demonstrated solid knowledge of poker in Episodes #40 and #44, but Jane doesn't seem to be paying attention.

When I was setting up these shots, I originally grabbed the bamboo screen because I thought it would make a nice background for the yoga poses. As I worked, I realized it was perfect for helping to keep the action figures upright. When the girls started to fall back, I wedged a straw between their waists and the screen, parallel to the ground. I didn't have to worry about it showing in the shot at all.

The girls are doing triangle pose (start upright, lean left and hold, stand upright, lean right and hold, repeat). Lisa's torso hinge is in a different place than Jane's, which makes it easier for Lisa to look natural in yoga poses. I think she looks particularly lovely in panel 2.
07/10/05 13:34:32
Nice shots
07/19/12 11:48:39

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